my magnificent music reccomendations
here is where i hold all the great music i listen to, from small bands bcuz they need mor listeners. massive metalhead, pretty much anything deathy i love, also love some punk, mainly hardcore but i can get behind most stuff
metal reccomendations
- hive, primal code. bolt thrower type death, real cool vocals, sick ass lyrics too, post apoc paleo type shit
- neanderthal with a gun, concrete caveman. grindy type death, absolutely fucking brutal. TW: gore
- if u havent picked up a pattern yet, i love stone age type metal. if u have any, PLEASE comment them somewhere so i can check them out
- beyond salvation, squidmustard. Theyre my fav artist like ever, everything sounds great (maybe not everything but everything past like 2022-23) and they have tons of diversity
punk reccomendations
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