alaharis's amazing art area among alternative articles!

warm welcomes, all weary wanderers! You seem to have stumbled into my stupendous site, by some twist of fate. I am Alaharis, astronomical applier of amazing alliteration! I hope your time here is totally terrific!

VERY MUCH UNDER CONSTRUCTION! yall i think i maybe kinda stopped procrastinating! anyway heres the main to do list:

the stuff i have not on this page

Here is where I keep all my amazing art, as advertised! Maybe u will enjoy :)

i really love music! here's my reccomendations

about me!


Fight fascism

this is the link to a government (ew) program to "end dei" ie: critisizing colonists and say that being queer is alright. specifically its so stop funding to schools who "push the woke agenda"

fill it with spam so nothing real can get through! bee movie script is flagged so translate it or just find something else. also shrek 2

Dragon Cave: Adopt one today! Dragon Cave: Adopt one today! Dragon Cave: Adopt one today!

didn't really know where 2 put this, but i hav this pic of me putting a sticker that I MADE! how cool is that! in like a public zone. shoutout joymongers brewery (there were tons of other stickers on poles, this isnt the only one) i really like this picture and love getting my art out